Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Awesome Veteran's Day Program

November 16, 2011

How proud we all were of our 4th grade students, lead by Mrs. Iron's, as they presented a wonderful veteran's day tribute.  Mrs. Iron's, Mrs. Harves and Mr. Dyrdal worked together to prepare the students for this presentation. We were honored to share they day with about 20 veterans in attendance.  I think it impressed the students to see these individuals, in uniform, come to share their time with us.  Staff members  shared photographs of family members that had served in many of the wars. This slide presentation was included as part of the program. A showcase was on display with various uniforms and memorabilia.  There was an ongoing digital slide show for  those in attendance to view.  The collective efforts of this event were emotional for many of us.  It was all only a small way to thank and honor these individual's who have served our country so honorably.

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